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Jul 05

Pauly Unstoppable is the first man get the eyeball tattoo in the world.


  1. Anonymous  

    ohmigod whhhhhyyyy? you're making me cry!

  2. Anonymous  

    So where do you think he works? How would you like him to be doing your taxes?
    I'm sure someone has asked him everday "what happens when you get older and realize how dumb that was."
    Wow! TO EACH THERE OWN, that's all I can say.

  3. Anonymous  

    wow... >.> plain stupid and disgusting as well as unattractive......

  4. Anonymous  

    accually he has a very stable job and allways has and i think he is beautiful and people that cant just accpet this are just plain ignorant and should just stay inside all day coz really there are much worse things in the world then some one with piercings and tattoos

  5. Anonymous  

    Stomach churning!!! Ug...
    I have nothing against peircings or tattoos but extreme mutilation of the body is usually sign of much more serious issues than just imitation of tribal tradition. These pictures made my gf sick when she saw them.. and she has multiple peircings and tats herself..

  6. Anonymous  

    Born for nothing, you're doing an useless shadow on the Earth. You should kill yourself

  7. Anonymous  

    Tbh, i think he looks cool, and obviously he does too.

  8. Anonymous  

    Everything was cool till I saw the nose...

  9. Anonymous  

    he obviously doesn't have enough brains to blow his nose

  10. Anonymous  

    i think he is beautiful in his own right. just because he isn't a normal boring american like the rest of you doesn't make him any less of a person. this is who he is, this is his life. and for you to judge and write rude remarks is personally disgusting.

  11. Anonymous  

    Body art is coooool! I wanna get piercings and tattoos but he took it too far. I mean, look at is ears and nose. He could fit knives through them. How does he get a job? He must get loads from his gf who's probably got tongue piercings.

  12. Anonymous  

    Now that's art.

  13. Anonymous  

    I see this guy and think 'SHIT! FUCKING HELL!'

  14. Anonymous  

    glupek i dziwak

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